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Lawn Moss Control 5K – Jonathan Green
Jonathan Green Lawn Moss Control kills lawn moss quickly with its easy-to-apply micro-particles that guarantee even application and improved performance. It can be used any time of year when moss is present and becoming a problem. This product contains specially formulated iron which will only kill the moss while greening up the lawn. Due to the high concentration of iron, keep this product off of concrete, driveways and patios where it can stain.
This fast acting product will eliminate the existing moss but to prevent moss from growing back, the underlying soil issues must be resolved as well. Moss appears in lawns for three important reasons: acidic soil with a low pH, hard compacted soil, and lack of sunlight. To help prevent moss from growing back in the future, apply original Mag-I-Cal® to raise the soil pH or Mag-I-Cal Plus for Lawns in Acidic & Hard Soil to also relieve soil compaction and stimulate soil microbes.