Weber 22″ Smokey Mountain Cooker 22″ – Black


Amazing food comes to those who wait. This Smokey Mountain Cooker allows you to smoke foods at a consistant lower temperatures for several hours. With two cooking grates, you can smoke multiple items at the same time. The grates are large enought to put a turkey on one and multiple layers of ribs on the other. Sit, back, relax and let the Smoker do all the work.

  • Two plated steel cooking grates provide a total of 726 sq. inches of cooking space.
  • Porcelain enameled bowl, lid, and center section retains heat for even somking.
  • Four rust resistant dampers help control the temperature by easy adjustments.
  • Built-in lid thermometer lets you know the internal temperature so you know when to adjust the heat.
  • Charcoal chamber keeps fuel together to burn more effeciently.
  • Fuel door allows to easily add charocal or wood.
  • Water pan helps regulate temperature inside and adds moisture to heat
  • Insert a meat probe through the silicone grommet to check meat temperature without lifting the lid.
  • Rust resistant heat shield reflects heat away form bottom of smoker and prevents the ground from buurning
  • Polyester cover included
SKU: 731001 Categories: ,

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